So I just finished reading Choke. I don't know what to think of it.
When people read Palahniuk and recommend him, is it because they find something deep to analyze? Because they like to be disturbed? Or because they are perverts and like to read about people having sex?
I'm just curious.
Anyway, I figure I will do a little write-up for each book I read this summer. I'll be conservative and say that's a book a week. Here is my favorite passage from Choke:
A blind chicken with half a head and no wings, shit smeared all over it, stumbles up against my boot, and when I reach down to pet it, the thing's shivering inside its feathers. It makes a soft clucking, cooing sound that's almost a purr.
It's nice to see something more pathetic than how I feel right now. (160ish)
I would say, yes, definitely worth a read. If anything, read it so you can compare it with the upcoming film of the same title, Choke, which stars the always-fantastic Sam Rockwell and Angelica Huston. If you like to feel uncomfortable while reading, read it. If you want to feel yourself questioning life, read it.
Next up: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris.